Welcome back readers!!!
Our journalists are ready to give you scoops of fresh news. Our E-Magazine also goes by the title Paros Junior High Ink.redible Magazine
Plus we have a 2nd year High School student on our team, she was with us last year too. I say this because the magazine is
usually created by the Senior Year students.
It's jam-packed
with all the latest news plus lots of information to make you realise what
exists in this world!!
I tasked the team with bringing me fresh thinking, reverse thinking, big,
bold ideas and a new, more diverse and inclusive approach. This year's magazine
is loosely based on the theme of what was and what is! So many things have changed but also lots have not changed around us in the
world of politics, fashion, music, literature.
We hope that you will enjoy our work, so come along with us into the world of news and information!!!